Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Madea Goes to Washington (to save Obama, but not really)

Where is Madea when you need her??? See, if this were a Tyler Perry movie, it would be just about time for Madea to come save the day! I can see her now, walking super fast & furious, wig in place, lip poked out, frying pan in one hand, shotgun in the other, as she rambles on about how ain't nobody gonna be bothering her baby. In this movie, her "baby" is President Obama. Madea is pissed bc every time she turns on the TV that damn-dere media is a'harassing & a'falsifying, & a'lying on her baby and she knows it ain't fair. Madea knows the media got the American people looking at her baby like he's some kind of wimp who easily compromises and doesn't live up to his campaign promises. She knows his mama raised him to be a good boy who thinks; using his brain at all times, even when it seems like he should lead from his heart. Because his heart is in the right place, she knows his logic will also include the best interest of the people, but she is going to make sure everyone else knows what she knows about her baby.

This week when Madea saw her baby on TV having to defend himself yet again to the American people about compromising on the tax cuts and it was the final straw! She popped right up from her chair and starting marching toward that press conference bc she was ready to bust some heads in defense of her baby. When she burst through the doors of the press conference, she saw that Obama was agitated, stressed out and replying more aggressively than normal to the reporters' questions. "Look, I did what I had to do for everyone to be in the best position possible," was his stance and Madea nodded in agreement. Obama was so happy to see his life-saving matriarch as he felt so badgered and defeated. She ran through the aisles, slinging the frying pan at the heads of the reporters and right when she was about to bust the first cap, the room cleared. "Madea!," Obama exclaimed, "I'm so happy to see you. You are always right on time." Madea reached out and hugged him saying, "Now you know Mama always got her baby's back." They walked away arm in arm and she told him they would go see the pastor next.

As any Boondocks fan knows, Tyler Perry has a plot formula for his movies and he's sticking to it! So here's the part when God and the church become involved. Madea wants to take Obama to the pastor bc everyone doubts Obama's word, although he is the president. But if its one thing Madea knows about her people, its that they will listen to whatever Pastor says. Many doubts can be eased by the simple phrase, "because the pastor says...." Because if the pastor says it, it MUST be true...duh! But her baby is only the president of the United States...that's all. Because Madea always saves the day (along w/ the help of the church), she is ready to put her plan into motion. She will have the pastor relay her baby's message to the congregation this Sunday, then everyone will be back on his side and all will be fine. Go Madea!

If only it were that simple. President Obama made a decision this week that is already being labeled as the demise of his presidency. The media is dry roasting him bc he agreed to extend the Bush tax cuts, which gives tax breaks to the wealthiest 1% of the nation. So now, the Republicans are still talking about him, but this time as if they have defeated him, and the Dems are pretty mad. The Dems are so mad they are meeting to discuss revolting against the president's decision. Time and time again, the stereotypical story of the Black man being saved by God and Grandma makes us believe this is the happy end of the story, especially in Black families. But Madea can't save Obama this day, nor should she have to.

Barack Obama is our president and we have to learn to respect and trust him, while giving him a chance to do his job. I do not agree w/ the Bush tax cuts or the compromise, but my faith in Obama leads me to believe that he knows what he is doing and under the circumstances, its his best. I am not an expert on national tax budgets, so I have to trust those in his campaign who are. I don't understand why people listen to whatever the doctor, lawyer, insurance company, and especially the pastor says, but we are so quick to disagree w/ and jump all over our president (who is actually speaking from fact)? We put him in office bc we need him to support us, but do we support him? Are we whiny babies, now used to instant gratification, who naively assumed he would fix eight years of damage in two??? Hmmmm? Are we?! Whatever the case is, I have never seen the Dems get this rowdy against Bush and he made many HORRIBLE decisions, but they are ready to rise up against their own over one decision?! A huge decision, yes...but only one nonetheless.

The average American person doesn't even understand why they are mad at Obama over the compromise, they are just mad. The same media we accuse of being too saturated and over-the-top, is the same media destroying the credibility of our president and we are going for it. Pay attention! You hear negative comments about Obama often bc the Republican agenda ensures you do, but why are you letting their smear campaign on Obama work on you? Do your own research! Would people respect Obama more if he were a White man or a Black woman? Is the only position of power a Black man can have and be listened to as a knowing leader that of a pastor/preacher?

Obama has tolerated more disrespect that any president can imagine. I believe the fact that he is a Black male directly relates to that. Because men are supposed to lead us, and not gun-toting grandmas, we have to let him do just that. Give him the respect you would give to Madea, Pastor or even George so he can continue to flourish as our great leader! Yeah, the tax cuts suck, but so would not extending unemployment benefits. We can support, even if we don't agree....


Anonymous said...

Go Obama!

Anonymous said...

I know that we finally have a President that thinks things through before making rash decisions. I also have to say it's nice to have an intelligent President. I understand why he made the deal he made. Because I know he is thinking about people. And you can see that he really does care.
But the 1 thing that drives me crazy about our President is he really believes that he is going to be able to have the co-oporation of the republican party. NOT GONNA HAPPEN!!!
I saw President Obama come out of a meeting with the GOP smiling from ear to ear, and of course there was a press conference, so the reporters start to ask questions such as "how did the meeting go?" Do you think you will be able to work together?" and so on...And the President starts talking as if they all just got along great and they are working together for the good of the country, like they were in the meeting singing KUMBAYA. After that same meeting the Republicans had a press conference and thier take on it was totally different. They were talking about how they are not gonna compromise on anything. "We are not gonna raise taxes on anybody." (Bush Tax) Because that's all they care about. They have nothing hopeful to say about working together with Democrats.
So I guess my point is, I do trust my President but I don't agree with all the time and effort he puts into working with people who literally said that all they want to do is make sure he is a 1 term President.
So just fight for America President Obama you don't need Madea. You have the support of the American People. Just let the Repulicans sit back and not do anything while you do what you do. With SWAG I might add.

Opinionated Kei said...

OK Anonymous #2, I totally agree about the relationship w/ the Republicans. I think that he is spending too much time trying to "make nice" w/ a group of people who are gunning for him to fail as president and only serve one term. It seems to be very naive of him to think they are going to get on board w/ bipartisanship; however, bc he said he was committed to it, he has to keep making an effort. But honestly, none of us have ever seen both parties work together so much to even know what a bipartisan presidency should look like? I think we are learning! Although, I do think he needs to make an effort to get his SWAG back. He is letting suppress his SWAG...oh no!!!

Corin Wright said...

What President Obama needs is a great PR team. The media is saturated w/all of his decisions which they consider "faults or wrongs" but they fail to mention his accomplishments. If there was 1 thing that George W. did was constantly tlk about his accomplishments even thou the truth was stretched or untrue. How long did we hear him tlk about us going to war to find the weapons of mass destruction? Which by the way didn't exist. I trust President Obama and his decisions. I remember during the election he was going up against Hillary Clinton and she could say whatever do whatever and she would never be wrong but as soon as he would look wrong he was being a bully. He held his ground and never stooped to her level. I by the way was furious and was wishing he would just fight back once. I say all of this to say I truly believe he knows what hes doing and he didn't get this far by mistake. Let the man do his job what he needs is support he didn't elect himself. He needs us

Opinionated Kei said...

Great point Style Haven! I agree that President Obama needs a good PR team. You hit the nail on the head with identifying the fact that we hear so much about the "bad" things, but not enough about what he's done positively. And as you mentioned he "held his ground" during the campaign, of course he will do the same as the president! It's who he is and that's why we voted for him. Besides, George W. Bush was often very stubborn and would not waver in his decisions when he did not want to, and he was stupid.